VinylPlus® Product Label
What is it?
The VinylPlus® Product Label is a labelling scheme which makes it easy for customers and markets to identify the most sustainable and high-performance PVC products. Currently, the scheme covers the PVC building products as defined in Article 2 and Annex I of the EU Construction Products Regulation 305/2011.
The VinylPlus® Product Label has been developed by VinylPlus®, in collaboration with Building Research Establishment (BRE) and The Natural Step (TNS).
How does it work?
The VinylPlus® Product Label is a voluntary certification scheme. All VinylPlus® partners can choose to apply for the label for a PVC product or product family. The scheme has been developed so as to ensure that the products and their components, but also the company’s policies and performances, are aligned with the below sustainability requirements: